Documentation related content.


Share an X-Ray

Click2Correct allows its users to share their x-rays with other users. To access sharing panel of an x-ray, click on the sharing button (see X-Rays section) of a particular x-ray.

To share an x-ray the person who you want to share your x-ray with must have a Click2Correct account.  Also you must know the person’s username or email that he/she uses Click2Correct.

Here is an example of sharing panel for an x-ray:


  1. Person’s username or email whom you want to share your x-ray with must be entered here.
  2. Optionally, you can enter some note for the person you want to share your x-ray with, e.g. “Hello, I would like to take your opinion on this.”
    Note that this note will be sent via an information email.
  3. Select this option to share patient information. If not selected, your x-ray will be shared without patient’s personal information.
  4. Select this option for giving the permission for updating your drawing on the x-ray to the person you want to share your x-ray with. If not selected, your x-ray will be shared read-only, means that other person can only see your drawing.
  5. Click “Share” button after you complete the form as you desire.

Changing Permissions and Unshare

If you shared an x-ray before, you can change its permissions or unshare(remove sharing) it. For doing so, open the share panel of that particular x-ray.


Explanation of markings:

  1. This part of the panel is used for listing users of a previously shared x-ray.
  2. This part is used for sharing that particular x-ray with other user(s) (See Share an x-ray).
  3. Sharing patient information permission can be changed here.
  4. Update drawing permission can be changed here.
  5. Sharing can be removed here.

Share a DICOM

Click2Correct doesn’t allow to share DICOMs yet.


Browse X-Rays

To browse all x-rays you own, click “X-Rays” button on the navigation bar. To browse all x-rays of a case, go to that case’s details (see case details).


Explanation of markings:

  1. Refresh x-rays list
  2. Filter x-rays list
  3. Change ordering of x-rays list
  4. Change sorting of x-rays list
  5. Browse your own x-rays
  6. Browse x-rays which have been shared with you
  7. Browse x-rays which you shared with other users
  8. Open sharing panel for that particular x-ray
  9. Browse x-ray details
  10. Delete x-ray
  11. Go to drawing page of that particular x-ray

Add a New X-Ray

To add a new x-ray, click go to details page of the case that you want to add an x-ray(see case details). Switch to “X-Rays” tab. Click “add X-Ray” button.


All mandatory fields must be filled and an image must be selected (use marking 1 or drag and drop an image file to this page). Other fields can be filled optionally. Click “Save” button to add a new x-ray to a case. If a new x-ray is created successfully you will be redirected to that particular x-ray’s details page.

X-Ray Details

To browse or update a particular x-ray’s details, click that x-ray’s details button on x-rays list (see Browse X-Rays).


Marking explanations:

  1. Go to Drawing Screen
  2. Save x-ray details


Browse Cases

To browse all cases you own, click “Cases” button on the navigation bar. To browse all cases of a patient, go to that patient’s details(see patient details).


Explanation of markings:

  1. Refresh case list
  2. Filter case list
  3. Browser your own case list (default)
  4. Browse cases who have been shared with you
  5. Browse cases who you shared with other users
  6. Browse case details
  7. Delete case (only present if that particular case has no DICOM and X-Ray)

Add a New Case

To add a new case, click “Add Case” button on a patient’s details page (see Patient details).


All mandatory fields must be filled. Other fields can be filled optionally. Click “Save” button to add a new case to a patient. If a new case is created successfully you will be redirected to that particular case’s details page.

Case Details

To browse or update a particular case’s details, click that case’s name on case list (see Browse Cases).


Explanation of markings:

  1. Save case details (for updating changes in case information above)
  2. Medical imaging list for that particular patient
  3. Browse x-rays belongs to this case
  4. Browser DICOMs belongs to this case
  5. Refresh images
  6. Add x-ray (only present in X-Rays tab)
  7. Open sharing panel for that particular x-ray
  8. Browse x-ray details
  9. Delete x-ray (only present if you are the owner of this x-ray)
  10. Go to drawing page of that particular x-ray


Browsing Patients

To browse patient list, click “Patients” button on the navigation bar.


Explanation of markings:

  1. Add new patient
  2. Refresh patient list
  3. Filter patient list
  4. Browse your own patient list (default)
  5. Browse patients who have been shared with you
  6. Browse patients who you shared with other users
  7. Go to patient details
  8. Delete patient (only present if that particular patient has no case)

Adding a New Patient

To add a new patient, click “New” button on the patient list (see Browsing patients).


All mandatory fields must be filled. Other fields can be filled optionally. Click “Save” button for adding a new patient. If a new patient is created successfully you will be redirected to that particular patient’s details page.

Patient Details

To browse and update a particular patient’s details, click that patient’s name on patient list (see Browsing Patients).


Explanation of markings:

  1. Case list for that particular patient
  2. Refresh case list
  3. Add new case
  4. Save patient details (for updating changes in patient information above)
  5. Go to case details
  6. Delete case (only present if that particular case has no DICOM and x-ray)

Application Dashboard

Dashboard page welcomes you after logging in.


Explanation of markings:

  1. Browse patients
  2. Browse cases
  3. Browse DICOMs
  4. Browse x-rays
  5. Browse information about Click2Correct Application
  6. Go to profile settings or logout
  7. Navigation bar. It will be present as long as you are logged in.

Access Application


To access Registration Form, click “Register” on homepage or go to


After a successful registration, a confirmation email will be sent to your email address. If you don’t receive the email, you can resend an email via clicking the link on dashboard page.

Reset Password

To reset your password, click “Forgot password?” in the homepage or go to


Explanation of markings:

  1. Enter the email that your Click2Correct account has been linked.
  2. Click “Reset Password” to receive an email that contains password resetting instructions.
  3. Go to Registration Form.
  4. You can send us an email by clicking here.

Login from Home Page

You can login to Click2Correct application by using login form at the upper right corner of the home page.


Login with Login Page

You can login to Click2Correct application by using login form at



General Explanations

Mandatory fields

All forms in Click2Correct application have some mandatory fields that must be filled. If one data field has a red icon at the right end of it, for example:


It means that this particular field must be filled in order to proceed. After a valid information entered in the field, red icon will be turned into green:


Some mandatory fields may have their own definition of “valid information”. In this case you will be informed with an red error message. For example you will see an email field in our Registration Form:


You must enter a valid email address to this field.


If one form has unfilled mandatory fields, like the Login Form example below, proceed button of that form, “Login” in our example, will be disabled(unclickable and faded out):


Username and Password fields in our Login Form example must be filled in order to proceed:


As can be seen, all mandatory fields are filled, and “Login” button is active and clickable.

Marking in manual screenshots

Some screenshots are included in this manual. Please take a note that, all orange markings and enumerations in our screenshots, like below, will be served to purpose of explaining Click2Correct application clearly.
